Comparison between homeopathic and conventional treatment in a conjunctivitis epidemic

Lucio R. González García, Roberto González Álvarez


Aim: To compare results of homeopathic and conventional treatment in a conjunctivitis

epidemic in 1997 in Ranchuelo, VC, Cuba. Materials and methods: Retrospective study

comprising 67 patients diagnosed and hospitalized during a viral conjunctivitis

epidemic between July and September 1997 in Ranchuelo health district divided in two

groups; one group comprising 47 patients was given conventional treatment, and a

second group comprising 20 patients was given homeopathic treatment. Results:

Homeopathic treatment elicited faster healing, since conventional treatment required

almost twice as long. Moreover, cost of homeopathic treatment was lowed compared to

conventional treatment, the latter was more than twice as expensive. Conclusions:

Homeopathic treatment proved beneficial to control this epidemic since healing was

faster and less expensive than conventional treatment.

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Direitos autorais 2015 Lucio R. González García, Roberto González Álvarez

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ISSN: 2175-3105