Prospective observational study of a case-series of chronic bone, muscle and joint pain with organotherapy associated with conventional homeopathic treatment

Isabel Horta


Background: Constitutional medication (MC) comprises homeopathic drugs prescribed on the grounds of individualized similarity with the totality of the characteristics symptoms of patients, whereas organotherapy (OT) uses preparations from the body tissues. Aims: To assess the effects of combination MC + OT in the treatment of chronic bone, muscle and joint pain. Methods: During the fist stage of the present study, the patients who met the inclusion criteria were treated with MC. Those who exhibited at least 50% improvement in McGill pain score on day 90 were discharged from the study. The patients who did not exhibit at leat 50% improvement in McGill pain score on day 90 were included in the second stage, when they were treated with 2 doses of MC and 1 dose of OT. Results: 168 patients were included in the first stage of the study, but 39 nine were later excluded or were lost to analysis. On day 90, 78/129 (60.78%) patients exhibited at least 50% of improvement in McGill score and were discharged; 51/129 (39.53%) patients did not reach at least 50% improvement in McGill score and were included in stage 2, however, 27 patients were later excluded, and thus the sample of the second stage comprised 24 patients (18.60% of the initial sample). After using 2 doses of MC and 1 dose of OT, those patients exhibited 49.2% improvement in the pain score at day 150 compared to day 90 (p=0.005) and 60.2% compared to baseline (p<0.001). Conclusions: These results suggest that combination MC + OT induced additional improvement of chronic bone, muscle and joint pain compared with treatment with MC alone. Controlled randomized studies with larger samples are needed to establish the effectiveness and efficacy of combination MC + OT. 

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Direitos autorais 2015 Isabel Horta

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ISSN: 2175-3105