Do we know polycrests well? Manifestations of acne in Arsenicum album and Pulsatilla nigricans

Gheorghe Jurj


Acne is a common occurrence that basically consists in inflammation of the skin follicles eventually followed by infection. The aims of conventional treatment are to reduce the sebaceous production, increase the skin cell turnover, reduce infection and hinder the spread of infection. For that purpose, several topical and systemic agents are available. However, that very broad range of therapies points to their relative effectiveness. Homeopathy might represent a valuable treatment of acne inasmuch as it takes intrinsically consistent and coherent configurations of the most peculiar signs and symptoms of diseases into consideration. The present article describes the typical characteristics of acne corresponding to homeopathic medicines Arsenicum album and Pulsatilla nigricans.


Acne; Homeopatia; Individualização terapêutica; Arsenicum album; Pulsatilla nigricans

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Direitos autorais 2015 Gheorghe Jurj

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ISSN: 2175-3105