Proposal for pharmacotechnical standardization of non-pharmacopeial preparation of homeopathic medicines in fifty-millesimal potencies (LM) with additional dilution, as complex or in globules

Amarilys de Toledo Cesar, Virginia T Cegalla, Sylvia R Oguchi, Paula Azevedo Sollero


In Brazil, homeopathic medicines are prepared and delivered by homeopathic pharmacies, which allows for exact fitting of the medicines to the patients’ needs. As a result of the cumulative work of homeopathic pharmacists, several editions of the Brazilian Homeopathic Pharmacopeia were published, resulting in nationwide standardization of the preparation of homeopathic medicines. That advance notwithstanding, clinical practice showed that some particular cases escaped the scope of the standards. To contribute to a more thorough standardization of the preparation of homeopathic medicines, in the present article we describe procedures for preparation and delivery of fifty-millesimal (LM) potencies with additional dilutions (for more sensitive patients), in complex formulas or globules.


Farmacotécnica homeopática; Método cinquenta-milesimal; Organon da medicina, 6ª edição; Potências LM

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Direitos autorais 2015 Amarilys de Toledo Cesar, Virginia T Cegalla, Sylvia R Oguchi, Paula Azevedo Sollero

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ISSN: 2175-3105